Il Vangelo di oggi

MISERICORDIAE VULTUM IN AETERNUM ADOREMUS.."[O Dio] continua ad effondere su di noi il tuo Santo Spirito, affinché non ci stanchiamo di rivolgere con fiducia lo sguardo a colui che abbiamo trafitto: il tuo Figlio fatto uomo, Volto splendente della tua infinita misericordia, rifugio sicuro di tutti noi peccatori bisognosi di perdono e di pace nella verità che libera e salva. Egli è la porta attraverso la quale veniamo a te, sorgente inesauribile di consolazione per tutti, bellezza che non conosce tramonto, gioia perfetta nella vita senza fine .."(PAPA FRANCESCO)

Fotomontaggio realizzato da Antonio Teseo
L'ora in Manoppello:


domenica 10 gennaio 2016



Saturday, January 9, 2016

From Manoppello to Rome: January 16 to 17, 2016 Pilgrimage- Commemoration of the Procession of the Holy Face Instituted by Innocent III

Starting from Manoppello, home of the Shrine of the Holy Face, a large group of

religious pilgrims and volunteers accompanied by the choir of the local church, will set out on Saturday January 16, 2016 on a pilgrimage to Rome, in the year of the Extraordinary Jubilee.  These pilgrims will be retracing a path following the ancient procession of the Veronica which was instituted by Pope Innocent III in 1208, carrying in procession a copy of the Holy Face which many scholars identify with the Veronica (vera icona "true icon"). 
View from entrance of Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia showing St. Peter's Basilica in the distance (Photo by Antonio Bini)
Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia (Photo by Antonio Bini)

Beginning at the end of the colonnade of St. Peter’s Square at 4pm the pilgrims will move towards the Church of Santo Spirito in Sassia. At 6:30pm Holy Mass will be celebrated there by Archbishop Georg Gänswein.

Image of Holy Face to be carried in Procession from St. Peter's Square to Church of Santo Spirito (Photo by Paul Badde)

The image, enclosed in the reliquary which from 1902 to 1956 was used to hold the Holy Face in Manoppello, will remain in the Santo Spirito church also on Sunday January 17th.

The idea for the pilgrimage came about during the National Conference of the Rectors of Italian Shrines which took place in Rome from November 22 to 27, 2015 and which had as its theme "Jubilee of a history: a welcome, nearby, prophetic memory”

In fact it was the grandeur of  history which was the basis for the plans to organize the pilgrimage, discussed by Msgr. Josef Bart, rector of the Shrine of the Santo Spirito in Sassia, and Fr. Carmine Cucinelli, Rector of the Shrine the Holy Face of Manoppello, in the presence of the author Paul Badde.

thanks to Antonio Bini for providing this news and to Paul Badde and Antonio Bini for providing the photos

giovedì 7 gennaio 2016