Il Vangelo di oggi

MISERICORDIAE VULTUM IN AETERNUM ADOREMUS.."[O Dio] continua ad effondere su di noi il tuo Santo Spirito, affinché non ci stanchiamo di rivolgere con fiducia lo sguardo a colui che abbiamo trafitto: il tuo Figlio fatto uomo, Volto splendente della tua infinita misericordia, rifugio sicuro di tutti noi peccatori bisognosi di perdono e di pace nella verità che libera e salva. Egli è la porta attraverso la quale veniamo a te, sorgente inesauribile di consolazione per tutti, bellezza che non conosce tramonto, gioia perfetta nella vita senza fine .."(PAPA FRANCESCO)

Fotomontaggio realizzato da Antonio Teseo
L'ora in Manoppello:


martedì 28 gennaio 2014

I media cattolici americani sempre più rivolgono la loro attenzione al Volto Santo di Manoppello

In questi giorni l'attenzione dei media cattolici americani è stata particolarmente attratta dal Volto Santo di Manoppello. Alan Holdren, importante giornalista della Catholic News Agency, dopo una visita al Santuario abruzzese ha ritenuto subito di scrivere un meraviglioso articolo sul Sacro Velo che è pubblicato in rete nel sito della  CNA.
Questo è il link:

Intanto anche l'importante emittente televisiva EWTN, che quotidianamente ha un audience di un vasto pubblico mondiale, prossimamente manderà in onda un servizio sul Volto Santo di Manoppello. Una loro troupe si è recata recentemente a Manoppello per fare alcune riprese e tra le guide - per avere spiegazioni dettagliate del S.S. Sudario - hanno trovato il giornalista Paul Badde e il Rettore del Santuario del Volto Santo, padre Carmine Cucinelli.

Fonte attinta da: 

Monday, January 27, 2014

American Catholic Media Turns its Attention to the Holy Face of Manoppello

In these days the attention of the American Catholic media has been attracted to the Holy Face of Manoppello. Alan Holdren, after a visit to the Shrine of the Holy Face has written an article with photos for the Denver, Colorado based Catholic News Agency. A series of articles on the Holy Face is planned by the journalist.

EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) based in Birmingham, Alabama but with a worldwide audience will be reporting in the near future on the Holy Face of Manoppello. Their camera crew was recently on location in Manoppello to do some filming, among their guides were author Paul Badde and the Rector of the Shrine of the Holy Face, Fr. Carmine Cucinelli, O.F.M., Cap. seen in the photo below observing the Holy Face in the open air outside the Basilica.

A more thorough informing of the American Catholic public about the Holy Face of Manoppello is in progress.

photos courtesy of Alan Holdren


venerdì 24 gennaio 2014

New York: About a thousand people visited the exhibit on the Holy Face of Manoppello

Thursday, January 23, 2014

On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend America's Home of Liberty Discovers the Holy Face of Manoppello

by Paola Frachessa

photo by Brenda Abdelmesih

In the context of the New York Encounter, the yearly cultural event organized by the catholic movement Communion and Liberation, visitors from all over the States have attended the guided tour to the exhibit "the Face of Jesus: from that gaze, the human face is born".
The exhibit, dedicated to the tradition of the acheiropoeita, the images of Christ not painted by human hands, focused on the "Holy Face of Manoppello", the precious relic that has been held since 1660 in the Capuchin monastery of the town of Manoppello in Abruzzo, Italy.

The exhibit documents how the desire to see the Face of God has been present in the life of the Church throughout the centuries and is still the object of modern man's profound nostalgia.
All the guides were volunteers that had been trained by the Italian curator of the exhibit, Ms. Raffaella Zardoni.

About a thousand people visited the exhibit; among the guests his Excellency Mons. Carlo Maria Vigano', Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America and to the Organization of American States.
The Mayor of the town of Manoppello, Mr. Gennaro Matarazzo came to New York expressly for the event. He was present for the entire weekend, and was warmly welcomed by the visitors. "I will never stress enough the importance of this exhibit for all of us who are visiting it and, if I am allowed to say it, for the whole Church and believers. I keep receiving text messages from the citizens of Manoppello, asking how the exhibit is being welcomed in New York". Mr. Matarazzo said.

photo of organizers of New York Encounter and at the center Mr. Gennaro Matarazzo, Mayor of Manoppello this photo and two photos immediately preceding by Raffaella Zardoni

“Several things about the presentation on the Face of Jesus exhibit, and particularly the Veil of Manoppello, really moved me”, Mr. Henry Artis, Painter, said after viewing the exhibit. “First, that at a certain point in history the desire to see the “face” of Christ stopped. I am really intrigued by this because it indicates that something changed, a something that was greater than the sack of Rome.
Second, that we, in a time of extreme individualism in which “faces” merge into a faceless mass would once again be prompted by the gesture of Pope Benedict XVI to turn toward a particular “face”, the face of the one we love.

photo by Paul Badde

Third, the fact that Christ would even have the desire to leave an imprint of his face on Veronica’s veil makes the question “Why?” immediately arise.
Fourth, that like Juan Diego's tilma, Christ’s portrait is left on a surface that does not hold paint and with unknown pigments.
Fifth, the fact that Christ wants “to see” and “be seen” points to the fact that his humanity is so truly human. This, I believe, is vitally important because the desire to “be seen”, to be acknowledged, by the person I love is one of two deeply rooted needs that I have, and the second is that I want to see the one seeing me in order to see what kind of gaze it is. Because the look in the eyes of the one I love looking at me tells me everything.

photo by Paul Badde

And that leads me to my sixth point. When I looked at the eyes of Christ on the Veil of Manoppello they showed an ocean of paradoxical emotions that are hard to describe and that no artist was able to catch. I saw in the eyes a certainty and a pleading, a love and a begging for love, a willingness and a regret…in short, I saw the gaze of a real man begging for my gaze, a gaze full of His love.
I am really thankful that the exhibit was put on and that I was able to see it during the New York Encounter”.

photo by Nicholas Erickson

Basilica del Volto Santo di Manoppello: Concerto dell'Epifania 2014

Quest'anno il tradizionale Concerto dell'Epifania ha visto la straordinaria partecipazione di due importanti cori: quello locale della Basilica del Volto Santo diretto dal prof. Nicola Costantini e il polifonico folkloristico "Colline Verdi Teatine" di San Giovanni Teatino diretto dal maestro Giuliano Di Berardino. La cittadinanza ringrazia i frati cappuccini che ogni anno, puntualmente, mettono a disposizione la chiesa che custodisce il S.S. Sudario di Cristo per questo meraviglioso evento.    
Il coro della Basilica del Volto Santo di Manoppello sarebbe lieto di accogliere al suo interno voci nuove. Chi ritiene di avere una bella voce può venire a farsi conoscere nella sala congressi del santuario, che si trova ad una quindicina di metri a destra del portone centrale della chiesa, dove ogni venerdì, alle ore 21.00, si tengono le prove per i canti da dedicare alla Santa Messa che si celebra la domenica mattina alle ore 11.00.